Smooth execution
When you prepare for your Qdos2U exercise, there are a few decisions you will make. Who shall participate, what are your expectations on engagement and what schedule shall you follow. Our experience will support you and we will ensure you tailor your communication to your team according to your needs.

A key activity is the presentation, either we coach you on the message or we can present it to your team. During the exercise, we monitor and ensure people are engaging. Once everyone is finished, we will check all the given Kudos and suggest changes in the written phrases, if needed.
Finally, we will distribute the focused, personal Kudos in the way we have decided.
We lead you through a small exercise of reflection once the Kudos has been received. Sharing the experience will make it stick even more. We can also select some of the most positive Kudos and anonymized share them to the whole team to enhance the positive impact.
When we have analyzed the Kudos, we give you a presentation of the insights and we lead you through a discussion on the result. We can also support you in defining activities needed to further improve the culture, based on the findings.