The cost of negligence

When we don’t feel appreciated, we aren’t happy. We don’t really perform as well as we can. Perhaps we even think about changing jobs. This is pretty easy to understand, but can you put a price on it? Of course you can.

Gallup, the well renowned researched institute, performed a survey during 2022. Not only could they show with hard numbers why engaged and appreciated co-workers is good for an organisation’s results, but also that it’s not up to the manager…

Companies with high employee engagement…

Are more profitable
Have lower staff turn-over

Employees who don’t feel appreciated by their colleagues…

Are more likely to change jobs within 12 months
Are more likely to be activelly disengaged from their work

From whom do we want to be appreciated?

The answer to the question from who we want appreciation, the answer might be a bit surprising.

I want to hear appreciation from my managers more often than a few times a year
I want to hear appreciation from my colleagues more often than a few times a year

Kudos To You AB

Phone: +46 70 921 4354

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